If you are trying to accomplish anything in this life, or nothing else but eating for that matter, you have at least one to-do list: your grocery list. You probably have that one either jotted down on a ripped piece of paper, a fancy notepad or your ‘reminder’ phone app.

I love lists! I need list. Or so I have convinced myself. I have multiple lists. Overlapping lists, complimentory lists, business lists, personal lists, lists shared with my husband, secret lists with gifts options, etc… You get the idea. Take it from an experienced multitasking addict/to-do list lover, you only need to know three things about making lists and have them actually serve you instead of overwhelm you.

1- M A K E  Y O U R  L I S T  B E F O R E  B E D

Trying to wait and make my to do list in the morning for each day just doesn’t work for me, for a few reasons. I am a worryer. From the moment my head hits the pillow to the one I end up falling asleep, I build up and take down entire empires. I tend to have a busy mind and when everything finally quiets down I start thinking about all that is left to be done. I have found that if I make a to-do list before I go to bed, I don’t feel the urge to think about it all as much. Another reason why this works for me is time management. I am usually woken up by my kids, and the craziness starts right when I open my eyes. I don’t always have the luxury to sit down and figure out what the day holds in the morning. I need to know and attack it all right away. The last reason is assurance to not forget anything. If you’re like me, you often find yourself at the end of the day saying “oh no, I forgot…”, “ah, I’ll do it tomorrow!” Well I usually forget tomorrow – again. Writing it all down before bed, helps not continually putting off important but easy to forget tasks.


2- W R I T E  D O W N  Y O U R  O W N  T A S K S  F I R S T

This is particularly aimed at my business people, client work gets done. If you happen to forget, don’t worry they’ll remind you. Ordering more packaging, updating your business systems, calling the pediatrician, tasks like those are necessary for your own brand and your personal life to function properly, but will be neglected if put at the bottom of the list. I am not telling you to not prioritize your clients’ projects, think of it as eating your veggies first and then that juicy medium rear steak. Having your ‘house in order’ will also ultimately help with your client projects.

3- B R E A K  T H I N G S  D O W N  T O  S I N G U L A R  T A S K S

I think part of the reason why I love making lists is so that I can check items off. The more you check off the more accomplished you feel. I am here to validate that feeling, my friends.

In all seriousness making general chunky and non specific entries is issueless. For example writing “clean the kitchen” means nothing. Break it down to empty the dishwasher, fill up the dishwasher, clean counters, sweep floors and so on. Another example would be “work on blog”. Instead, write enter new ideas (to the idea list, haha), plan out posts calendar for the coming month, make graphics and resources for the next ten posts, etc… That system allows you to see progress and check off one item at a time. You feel more productive and your day consequently feels more sucessful.


I know we all have fancy phones with cool apps, but if like me you still like to use a pen and paper sometimes, I created this pretty to-do list sheet that I love to use. You can download it here. It truly helps to see it on the table or on the fridge, as I walk by throughout the day. It motivates me to look at my list with a good mood and a conquering attitude.



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