Today’s guest is dropping by to encourage and motivate us on the subject of confidence and making decisions in our businesses. Entrice is sharing her own experience and parallel between personal life and business life. Entrice is a certified Life Coach who enjoys working with families on creating a home life where peace and order flow naturally. As a busy wife, and mom of 4 kids: a 9 year old boy, 7 year old girl, and 4 year old boy/girl twins, she knows what it’s like to have moments of doubt in this thing called motherhood. Entrice can confidently say that she works hard to help her clients discover an authentic life that is guilt free. You can find helpful tips on personal growth, parenthood, and relationships on Entrice’s blog. You can connect with her more on her website, Facebook and Instagram.

“At some point in life we are all faced with difficult decisions. How we handle those decisions determine what comes next in life. Just recently I did the work of a discovery call with a potential client. I covered all my bases and did my follow up call. In the follow up the potential client informed me that although they would love to work with me they felt like my prices were too high. I was so proud of myself for how I responded. The work and effort it takes to learn and grow a business is no easy feat! I didn’t fold under this person’s opinion or try and change the way that I do business because they were unwilling to pay what I know I’m worth. Our value doesn’t come from other people; in fact our worth comes from who we are in Christ.

I know the talents and gifts I’ve been equipped with. I also know that when I start having feelings of guilt and doubt in my abilities they are not of God. Because we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) we can rest where our flesh tells us to strive.


As a business owner it is crucial to know who we are. Decisions that we make about our business and brands will flow a lot smoother if we’ve taken the time to develop ourselves personally. You will know what opportunities are for you and you won’t be afraid to say no, in order to create space for important yes decisions. You will also value your time as well as others because confident people have systems in place that allow for them to make decisions quickly and move on to the next project.

As business owners we should be constantly evolving and improving our skills. Our momentum builds quickly when we believe in who we are and what we were created to do. Your business is needed. Your skill set is needed. Decide today that you will not be moved by the opinions of others even when things get challenging. As we make big decisions it always feels a bit scary. But having faith is about trusting in that which we cannot see. One of the ways I build my confidence daily is by following peace. Whenever I’m faced with making decisions in my business I don’t fear because I know where God sends he lends. So, because he has created me to do this work I can rest that he will see it through to the very end.


So keep showing up. Keep working hard. Keep trusting in him and his plan for you. Know that his word does not return void it will always accomplish what he has sent it forth to do. He will give you the strength, knowledge, and provision to have a successful business.”

REVERIE MINGLES: What practice in your personal life have you found to help boost your confidence in your business?

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