Snakes on a plane… and brand impact

Have you seen the rather exhilarating traumatizing 2006 movie Snakes on a Plane? Don’t feel bad if you haven’t… trust me.

One thing you need to know about me before continuing with this email is that I have three major fears: flying in a metallic bird, slivering leg-less animals, and the absence of light.


Needless to say that movie was a phobia therapy on steroids for me.

Now, why am I sharing this with you? Well, I’m trying to be better — okay?! I’m trying to work on myself and decided to view snakes as our friends and learn more about them. I found something fascinating I couldn’t wait to tell you, which turned out to be a myth after all, but I had already pulled a pertinent lesson from it so I’m sharing it anyways. Phew, strap in indeed!

I can hear your silent questions about planes and the dark… one thing at a time, my friend. I’m trying I said!

Back to snakes … Did you know (myth remember – don’t come for me) that snakes only grow as big as their environment would allow them?

It got me thinking and asking myself — is your environment big enough for the impact you want to have?

Are the ‘how’, the ‘who’, and the ‘what’ of your current brand environment conducive to supporting the ‘why’ (purpose) behind your business?

It’s not a pleasant one to ask and certainly not an easy one to answer. It’s a necessary one if we’re serious about growing and expanding, and hitting those goals for your business.

Determining the environment of your brand means being clear on who you serve and why you need to serve them. It means creating a brand story that connects you with your current target audience and gives you room to level up. It also means not just creating a product, but developing an experience based on your brand’s DNA.

We can’t leave our brand’s potential and desired impact and profit up to chance. Strategy is the wind under your creative wings and is what allows you to gain altitude.

Yes, I have been fraternizing with planes too — medicated of course — and the moral of the story is snakes are still not my friends.

— Let’s talk brand strategy (and snakes on a plane too if you want) — book a Brand Story Call.

90 dedicated minutes to your brand, all eyes and brain cells on your brand, working through all aspects of your brand’s environment. Making sure you’re set up for the impact and profit you should be having.

Book your call

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