We have the king of Instagram with us today aka Tyler J. McCall who is an Instagram Marketing Expert. If you know of Tyler then I have no doubt you already love him, if you don’t then go follow him on Instagram @tylerjmccall and learn all the things to take your business Instagram game to the next level, while laughing so hard and having quite a lot of fun. Today, Tyler is focusing on Instagram stories, how to effectively and efficiently take advantage of that fantastic tool and grow your online business. So, read on to learn more…

“So, remember that time Instagram ripped off Snapchat? In August of last year, Instagram rolled out their newest feature – Instagram Stories – allowing users to create little snippets of content (videos, photos, and Boomerangs) that go away after 24 hours. If you’re anything like me, you probably hated the new feature when it was announced (believe me, I rolled my eyes so hard I thought I needed surgery to fix ‘em). After I got over my initial feelings of “UGH! Are you kidding me?!” I got to work creating strategies for using Instagram Stories for my business online. And, the results, have been AMAZING! Results like more leads, more sales, more business, more meaningful relationships – all of the “more” things you hope to get out of all of that hard work online. And now, with Instagram reporting that over 200 million users are on Instagram Stories every day (that’s more than Snapchat’s 160 million users), is the time to start building an Instagram Stories strategy that grows your presence online. Let’s talk it out…



Creating kick booty Instagram Stories all starts with having a clear understanding of who in the world you’re even talking to online. Do some soul searching (and Google searching) to learn more about who you reallllly want to serve in your business. And think about what that person or those people will find interesting, valuable, entertaining, or inspirational. Part of your job on Instagram (well, and in marketing your business across the internet) is attracting the right folks and repelling the wrong folks. You can’t do that unless you know who you’re trying to reach.



Instagram Stories are the most amazing tool for building affinity with your audience. Not sure what affinity is? I wasn’t until I Googled it…I had just heard it on podcasts all the time. Affinity is that inclination you have toward a person or brand. It’s that feeling you have where you just have to purchase a product or service because you’re so drawn to a business. Affinity is rooted in trust, genuine connection, and values. So, your job on Instagram Stories is to give to your audience…then give ‘em a little bit more. Give them valuable information. Give them stories and reasons behind what you do. Give them resources that help them in their lives or businesses.



I see the same mistake again-and-again on Instagram Stories – they’re not stories! Your content can’t be mindless, purposeless, boring, or generic. It’s gotta be special. It’s gotta be unique. On Instagram, you are in a crowded space and your job is to stand out from the crowd. That’s what stories can do for your business (and I mean Instagram Stories and just actual stories you tell through marketing your brand online). And what do all good stories have in common? A beginning, a middle, and an end (and things like a hero, a hero’s journey, a struggle, a resolution…but, we’re not talking about all of that here). The easiest way you can make your Stories more powerful is by ensuring they have a clear introduction, an easy to follow core, and an ending that builds expectation for your next Story.



Okay, this is like a life lesson. But, when it comes to Instagram Stories, I only want you creating content that has some purpose or intention to go along with it. Why, you may ask? Because creating content for the sake of creating content is one of the biggest time-wasters for you as a solopreneur. When it’s time to create your Instagram Stories, do it with a plan in mind. This doesn’t have to be some kind of huge, lofty, overly ambitious goal – simple goals are perfectly fine. Goals like: introducing yourself, taking your followers behind the scenes, walking them through your process, taking followers along with you on your day. Having a purpose for what you’re doing helps influence your content, makes it easier to create content that converts, and saves you so much time in the long run.

Now, get out there and start creating Instagram Stories with intention and you’ll see the magic happen. Feeling stuck or not sure where to start? Here’s my biggest tip: start with what you know. And, for most of you, you know yourself better than anything or anyone else. Use your Instagram Story to talk about who you are, what you do, and why you do it. After all, people want to do business with people, not businesses.

Tyler J. McCall

About Tyler: Tyler J. McCall helps entrepreneurs use Instagram with intention to grow their community, grow their list, and grow their business. Tyler teaches his clients how to use Instagram to tell stories, build relationships, and convert followers to fans, drawing from his 10 years of experience in non-profit marketing and management and community organizing. He lives in Asheville, North Carolina with his partner Eric and dog Douglass. When he’s not coaching or teaching, Tyler enjoys Target runs and road trips.
Instagram: @tylerjmccall

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